Friday 1 April 2011


Thursday 3 March 2011


"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe

Sorry.. I'm not Rihanna. I don't love the way you lie.
*yes i hate it so much :(

If I treated you, the way you treat me. You would hate me.
*but you won't appreciate me..

One day you will realise, everything i do and everytime i get upset because you say or do something that hurts me, and everytime i take something stupid to heart! i do it because my love for you is never ending <3 
*you just don't understand! :(

I want my releationship until married.
*yes, i don't want to be in a relationship with somebody who pretend that he will love me forever..

12 WAYS TO KEEP YOUR RELATIONSHIP WORKING. 1.) Love eachother. 2.) Don't lie. 3.) Stay sweet. 4.) When you get hurt, just forgive & forget. 5.) Never talk about break-ups. 6.) Never say it's okay, when it's not. 7.) If you say sorry, mean it. 
*it's getting late okay :( 

i'm BETTER than your EX and BETTER than your NEXT!
*yes, you won't find somebody that love you stupidly like me, you won't!

I hate when everythings going perfect, you're loving life, you can't stop smiling, you're heart is dancing and then something happens and you begin not to care about anything, that smile turns upside down, and your heart slowly falls down. 
*it happened :'( seriously it hurts so much.. 

A perfect boyfriend... 1. Doesn't spend too much time on their Xbox. 2. Would call you at least twice a day. 3. Wouldn't waste time screaming at football. 4. Would be there for you whenever you're in bad situations. 5. Would always treat you like you're the one for him.
*i wish you'll be like this, but you never will be.

I never stopped loving YOU, I just stopped showing it.
*i've never stopped :'(

♥ We Met, Became Best Friends, Fell In Love, Broke Up & Now Never Speak ♥
*why does it have to be like this?!

Saya sayang awak kenapa susah sangat untuk awak sedar?
*greatt sgt kan, sayang saya utk awk trlalu besar, lebih besar dari sayang saya kpd diri saya sendiri, awak bhagia dh kan tanpa saya? okay :|

I was so stupid to think for one second you actually cared.

You'll Never Find Another Girl/Boy Stupid Enough To Love You Like I Did. :'(
*because i'm the only one :\

*i've never cheat someone that i love in my life, tpi sbaliknye yg brlaku :(

*yes i love you so much! i did i did! can you hear me?! I TRULY LOVE YOU IN MY LIFE. Okay stupid me, mcm la awak boleh dngar kan :\
Walaupun Saya Sayang Awak Tapi Kita Tak Mungkin Bersama.
*WHY?! Because you didn't love me anymore.

You never meant to hurt me .. But you did it anyway.
*you did it, you did it ! :| 

You hurt me, are you happy now ?! was it enough?

You dont know how much that hurt me, do you? No matter how much you hurt me i will still love you, and you don't know how much you hurt me when you said that and you hurt me with your attitude </3, You hurt me, so why do I still like you?! you hurt me so much, and you don't even know, I'M HURT :|

"I'm fine" really means "I'm not fine, I'm hurting & I need a hug" :'(
*where are you?! i need a hug, i need you to be by my side, i need you to wipe my tears away, i need you to sing again for me, i need you to tell me that you love me again and again, i need you to give me support like you always do, basically I REALLY NEED you in MY LIFE, but you're GONE :'(

That one boy you could never hate, no matter how much he hurts you.
*you know that i can never hate you, right? No matter how much you hurt me :\

I only say "I love you" when I REALLY love you.
*I've never said i love you to other person, because i love you means a lot for me, and i've never love somebody so easily. But now i love you, is it wrong?

You can't be friends with ex's, it just doesn't work.
*actually it does work if the feeling is gone, but how supposed you pretend that you don't feel anything when you're still love him?! how can you pretend that you're not HURT when you're heart beats so fast?!

<3 One will miss me and regret..that you were wrong <3
*yes, you will
When the only person who can make u stop crying is the one who made u cry :(
*hug me please :'(

If only you knew.. how much i truly want to be with you, Someday, you're gonna regret losing me. I promise.
*did you know?! i guess you're not and i will not tell you anything. 

I love you.. Thats why I apologize even when im not in the wrong.
*yes i do, you're just too blind to see anything. That i still love you ecstacy :\

I pretend something doesent hurt when it really does hurt, When I'm crying, and someone hugs me, it makes me cry even more.
*especially YOU :|

I Remember When We First Met :) Now Your So Different, What Happened? :(
*i miss the old you, the one that actually care :) But you're gone, and i'm here left ALONE..

It's much easier to turn a friendship into love, than love into friendship.
*it's because i love you that i tried to ignore you, i'm afraid i'll fall in love with you again :( But i already do..  

Sincerely, love
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 -AH-

Tuesday 1 March 2011

As long as i can..


Different dreams, but SAME PEOPLE APPEAR -.-
EVERYDAY plak tuu.

Monday 21 February 2011

The truth never be revealed.


Artis: Melda Ahmad
Lagu: putus

Aku duduk sendirian dikamarku,
menangis kesepian kernamu,
kau tinggalkan aku,
kau cari yg lain,
tergamakmu merobek hatiku.
Tapi setelah kau pegi aku
mendapat lebih baik darimu,
dia hargai aku,
dia sayangi aku
lebih daripadamu,
aku ingin kau tahu betapa ku gembira,
tidak lagi bersamamu,
namun pastinyar nanti kau akan sedari,
yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku,
yang kau perlu cintaku….

* i don't know why i love this song so much :)